6/02/02 - Judy! I fianlly finished answering my question... yeah!! ^^* You made pretty web pages!! I saw yours... hehe..
Mrs. Udarbe!!! We finished our web page!!! ^^* Take your time and enjoy!~ ^^* Thanks!
6/01/02 - Since 5/25 Judy is not getting better... We hope she will get better soon and see her smile on monday at school!~
~~Thanks Aram! I am still sick! This is due tonight and I've been sleeping all day because I got sick (and threw up) at the Fair last night...ack!
6/01/02 - Today midnight... We can finish our web page by then!
5/31/02 - WOW!!! WE did so much work! We are in class right now and WE still need to finish up all of OUR pages...*sigh* Check back again tonight...everything should be done by then... Let's go for it!
5/28/02 - We finially finished anwsering topic 1 and we dedided to divide topic so we can work more faster... =)
5/27/02 - We just add end part of each answer window so that there is a way that can be back easily...
5/25/02- Judy couldn't come japanese rastaurant with us.... we hope she will get better soon!
5/24/02 - We answered first queation and decorate it prettier... haha...umm.. We need to go more.. cheer up!!!
5/21/02 - Started linking questions to their answer pages
5/17/02 - Added "Bye-Bye" page...we only have two links up though...
5/15/02 - Finished putting up questions...(still needs to be answered) judy was typing so fast!!! And Aram too! yeah! time to go home!
5/14/02 - Started the page. Woohoo!!! But none of the other pages are up yet...