What kinds of nuclear change occur?

        Transmutation, the process by which a nucleus of one element is transformed into a nucleus of a different element, of an unstable nuclei can result in nuclear reaction, which would generally be a fission, the process by which the nucleus splits into two small nuclei, or fusion, the process by which one nucleus joins with a larger one. Both fission and fusion are important processes that occur in everyday life. They fulfill society's energy needs and could even cause great harm, depending on how it is used.

        Marie Curie created the term, radioactivity, which was a term for the process by which such elements release energy. Some radioactive elements emit aplha particles and beta particles. Most of the radiation that is emitted can be detected one way or other (think of a smoke detector). Unfortunately, one cannot hear, taste, feel, see, or taste a radioactive emission. There are special tools for this sort of detection. Gamma rays are also a type of radioactive emission. This type of readioactive emission can be used to treat cancer (particularly leukemia).


Here is a diagram of gamma rays:

And here is a picture of a smoke detector

  Why are come atomic nuclei unstable?

  How is nuclear chemistry used?